My name is Sidian Jones. I want to change the world by introducing a new way to understand beliefs, and to design tools and services using that understanding to empower people all over the world.
We are already living in the age of Open Source Religion
Religion used to have homogeneity. That is, the idea of saying “I’m Christian, with Buddhist leanings.” was not a common option. This has changed. Massively. The days of belief uniformity within a religion have, for decades, been swapped for the flexibility of pulling from multiple spiritual and non-spiritual sources. This is the era of Open Source Religion.
The “closed” sources (The Bible, Quran, Sutras, Vedas, etc) have been open sourced, by popular vote among the people. And in detaching from a closed environment, beliefs have become modular, able to be edited, upgraded, reassigned, or deleted from within a person of religion, multiple religions, spiritual, or non-spiritual.
Please donate BTC if you’d like to help this dream be achieved.
Three platforms to further the OSR movement
Using machine learning to gather, and parse every human belief into a navigable map. This is the anthropological, data, and research side.
• Filter beliefs by political standing, religious affiliation, gender, or geography.
• View trending beliefs.
• Understand belief changes during major events like elections, product releases, or global issues.
Belief discovery, creation, and collecting in a rich metaphor and story driven social network.
• Self discovery via completing mythos exercises “What is your power animal and why?”.
• Archiving of the beliefs behind everyday things. Shaking hands is a ritual, what does it mean and why? The color red represents power or love. Why?
• Dream journaling and interpretation.
A home for the OSR manifesto and news.
• A place for those who embrace OSR to discuss and collaborate about it.
• Categorized forums for all belief discussions.
• Healthy debate and discussion.